2 minutes
Honeycode and Honeycomb
okay but hear me out: what if I instrument my @AWS Honeycode no-code apps to send telemetry data to @honeycombio? 🤔🤔🤔🍯🍯🍯
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
No-code Observability: Explore Unknown Unknowns about the systems you're not supposed to ever think about
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
Honestly, looking at the marketing site on mobile Honeycode really just seems like AWS's answer to @airtable
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
Doesn't make it easier to instrument tho lol
So I'd expect Honeycode to have some sort of backend that maybe "real" AWS users can go in and e.g. create app templates from, set up access policies, etc.
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
Always fun to navigate docs sites on mobile lolhttps://t.co/SwxzlutETD
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
> Upgrading to a Plus or Pro plan is a prerequisite to accessing developer tools and Honeycode APIs.
Includes IAM, aws-sdk, Honeycode API.
> Amazon Honeycode has two APIs: GetScreenData and InvokeScreenAutomation.
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
Hmm. I think I'd have to just have a script running to use the API to grab whatever's on the screen at intervals. Not very helpful if I'm trying to get good observability.
This is a sort of pull method, where some external service decides what data to get and when, rather than a push approach where the thing generating the data decides what to send.
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
I recommend the push approach, which you get by instrumenting your code.
Pulling data from the top of the pile every X minutes or whatever doesn't tell me what's happening between those X minutes.
— shelby reliability engineer (@shelbyspees) September 3, 2020
How many people are using the app? They're inputting data, what data? People are complaining that it's slow when you do ABC behavior. How to debug?
322 Words
2020-09-03 06:25 (Last updated: 2020-09-20 08:36)